viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Activity for today: inversions 1,2 and 3.

Inversion 1.

2- He had never seen anything so beautiful before.

3- The effects are becoming apparent only now.

4- Exhibits must be touched on no account.

5- You rarely find a coin of this age in such good condition.

6- She realized what had happened only when she got home.

Inversion 2.

2- Very rarely do you come across anyone nowadays who hasn’t been abroad.

3- Only by living in a country where the language is spoken can you really learn it.

4- Under no circumstances should tourist be allowed to visit the Antarctic.

5- Not until you have tried French cuisine will you truly know what good food is.

6- Not only did I hate visiting monuments as a child but also I couldn’t stand going into museums.

7- Only recently have I started going on holidays without my parents.

8- Never again will I go back to that place I went last year on holiday.

Inversion 3.

1- Only when I got to the hotel did I realize that it was very uncomfortable.

2- Not until you go to the hotel will you see that is extremely disgusting.

3- Not only did I hate the hotel because is uncomfortable but also because is pretty expensive.

4- Nowhere in the world is there a place with bad attention, so far from everywhere and so expensive like this hotel.

5- Never again will I go back to that so disgusting place.

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